World Suicide Prevention Day - 10th September 2024 - Williamsons Solicitors Skip to main content

Posted: 09/09/2024

World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Raising Awareness of Suicide Prevention

Unfortunately, an estimated 720,000 people worldwide take their own lives every year. There can be many triggers for this, including but not limited to;

  • Breakdown of relationships,
  • Bereavement including loss of family members and pets,
  • Social isolation or loneliness,
  • Stressors including work and home life,
  • Financial difficulties,
  • Unemployment / losing your job,
  • Experiencing discrimination, poverty or racism,
  • Homelessness or poor housing

Recent data shows the suicide rate in the UK to be the highest recorded in over twenty years. It remains the case that majority of suicides are men, but the rate for women is at the highest level in thirty years.

Read the recent statistics here: The Independent

Changing the Narrative on Suicide

Every year on 10th September marks World Suicide Prevention Day. Originally created by the International Association for Suicide Prevention, it aims to raise awareness about suicide and reflect on the ways in which it can be prevented.

The theme for 2024-2026 is ‘Changing the Narrative on Suicide’, with the aim of breaking the stigma when discussing mental health, making the discussion mainstream, supportive and reducing the pressure to ‘suffer in silence’.

It is all too common that appropriate mental health support is not available to those who are desperately in need, meaning that they are left feeling that they have no choice but to harm themselves.

Here at Williamsons, we have extensive experience handling cases of such a sensitive nature. We have acted and continue to act in cases involving failures in mental health care that have resulted in suicide or attempted suicide, acting on behalf of the loved ones and on behalf of individuals who have survived suicide attempts but been left with lifechanging injuries.

As well as supporting bereaved families in respect of bringing claims for compensation, we can also, where appropriate, provide support during any inquests, as we appreciate that answers are just as important as compensation.

Our team are happy to discuss, in confidence, a possible clinical negligence matter involving suicide. If you feel a family member has experienced a lack of support from Mental Health Providers which led to their committing suicide or an attempted suicide and would like to speak to one of our experienced Team, please contact Williamsons on 01482 323697.

In the meantime, if you or anyone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, charities such as Samaritans will always be there to help; their helpline is 116 123.


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